
BC Teachers’ New Campaign Shows How Parents and Teachers Are Working Together

What a year it’s been for students, parents, and teachers.

Adapting to new ways of learning. Finding new ways to connect. Juggling the demands of working from home and helping kids keep up.

It’s been full of worry, stress, and constant change.

But through it all, teachers have been there for students. And if there’s one thing that most parents have felt, it’s a new appreciation for school – and the work of educators.

This connection – between parents and teachers – is at the heart of a new ad we’ve created with the BC Teachers’ Federation. The ad was produced under the direction of our chief creative officer, Paul Degenstein, and our agency producer, Christina Day.

One Parent’s Story shows how parents and teachers have worked together throughout the pandemic. And it reminds viewers that the challenges inside British Columbia’s schools are bigger than ever. It will take investment in public education to solve those challenges and deliver the support that every child needs. 

The ad closes with a powerful message: “Our kids and their teachers. Worth investing in.”

Filmed and produced in adherence with all COVID-19 regulations to keep everyone safe, the new ad is airing provincewide across BC as part of an innovative integrated campaign with Corus Entertainment.

In partnership with Global News and 980 CKNW, British Columbians will hear the story of a teacher during Believe BC, a series focused on how people have stayed committed and reimagined their work through the pandemic. Based on a great interview with the team from Global News, a 60 second vignette will air as a 30-second PSA province-wide on Global TV.

As part of the campaign, we also asked BCTF members why they became teachers, what has inspired them the most in the past year, and how different teaching and learning has been this year. Their responses will be featured on TV and social as part of series called “I’m a Teacher Because.”

At The NOW Group, we’re excited to work with the BCTF – and to support investment in public education. And we’re proud to continue building our reputation as Canada’s leading creative agency for public education advertising.

In the past year alone, our work on education campaigns for the BCTF and clients across Canada has been recognized internationally with six awards:

  • Gold Award, Outdoor Campaign, Summit Awards 2020
  • Silver Award, Public Service Television/Internet/Radio, Summit Awards 2020
  • Best Canadian TV Ad, Reed Awards 2020
  • Best International Online Video (Sub-National), Reed Awards 2020
  • Bronze, Television/Commercial Campaign, Summit Awards 2020
  • Bronze Award, Social Media Campaign, Summit Awards 2020

Congratulations to the BCTF on the launch of their new campaign – and thanks to all of BC’s teachers and educators for the work they do so well.