After two years of COVID-19, people working in health care across the country are reaching a breaking point.
It’s hard work. And every shift brings more hard moments for workers on the frontlines.
When provincial governments pick fights with workers and undermine public health care, it makes the job even harder.
This week, the Health Sciences Association of Alberta, which represents nearly 30,000 members across the province, has launched a new campaign to pay tribute to the dedication of every health care professional – and start to build the case for action to ensure health care is there when Albertans need it.
The new ad, Who We Work For, shows the relentless challenges that health care workers are facing. And their unrelenting commitment to deliver the care that Albertans count on.
Working with HSAA, we wanted to give voice to the exhaustion that health care professionals are feeling, while reminding viewers that the workers inside Alberta’s hospitals and clinics are on the same side as their patients.
Who We Work For does just that. It connects HSAA members to the public that they support day in and day out. And it elevates the importance of public health care in the minds of Albertans.
As the province faces yet another wave of COVID-19 without the investment and support that the health care system needs, there is only one thing that is keeping health care workers going and that is their commitment to their patients.
“We know who we work for,” the ad concludes. “We do it for you.”